Monday, February 16, 2009

Roatan, Baby!

Sunday started at 4:00 a.m. for us as we got up and took 2 different taxis to get to the bus stop at Copan for our 5:15 a.m. bus to San Pedro Sula. The juice and cookies helped only a little. But we all slept soundly in the comfortable and air conditioned bus. In San Pedro Britta and Maria headed straight for the cafffeine and began to feel human again. Then we had a 2 hour layover until our bus to La Ceiba which we spent watching ¨Naked Gun 2 1/2¨ without sound on the overhead TV´s. I think the locals were laughing more at us laughing at Leslie Nielsen´s idiocy on TV than they did watching the movie themselves. Everywhere we go there is some American movie playing, so far we have seen Spider Man 2, I Robot, Nancy Drew, Big and Nights at Rodanthe and The Legend of Bagger Vance. Most are without audio but some are dubbed (Will Smith is not as funny when he speaks Spanish) but sometimes there are the English subtitles as well. Kind of a mixed bag.

The bus trip to La Ceiba was really gorgeous with very mountainous terrain on one side and all kinds of farms on the other, palms, pineapples, tomatoes, sugar cane, etc... Then another taxi ride from the bus stop to the ferry terminal and 2 more hours of layover. When the ferry landed on Roatan we experienced a wild and crazy method for baggage claim: 250 people line up along a huge horseshoe shaped barrier and they wheel in massive carts loaded with the bags then everybody just screams at the top of their lungs, waves their arms and points to their luggage while the porters run from one end of the area to the other in no discernable pattern at all. It is like being on the noisiest and most chaotic game show in the world and the only thing you win is your own stuff.

But Enrique was there when we emerged and took us to the supermarket and then to the Sundancer Cabana where we all collapsed in our own little sweaty, exhausted, crabby heaps and got the AC going to cool us off until we returned to our selves again. Pam made us scrambled eggs for dinner and we improved even further. The evening was marked by more roosters but the landlady told us in the morning that the best way to function is to enjoy the daytime breezes with windows open and then close them up and turn on the AC at night for more quiet. Sounds like a plan.

This morning Judy and Maria headed into town to buy more fresh fruits and vegetables and a few other grocery items. The town of Coxen HOLE (emphasis on the HOLE is deliberate) is totally hot and dusty and crowded and crazy with cars and taxis so it should only be attempted on a limited basis. But we scored all of our items and then wrangoled it all into a taxi back to the cabana in time for lunch prepared by Pam. We are now heading to the pool/beach and begin recovering from our travel day and morning of sweaty errands...

Hasta Luego!


  1. Finally found time to read your blog and catch up - you guys have really been "bouncing" all over Honduras! Roatan looks lovely and a good place to recover from all your travels. Love to all!

  2. Thank you for educating the Italian tourist. It needed doing. Thank you also for your part in dispelling the ugly american tourist. The work you are doing is inspiring. It is great to read about places not glamorized by travel writers (and places not really accessible to a wheelchair). We did make it to New Orleans and spend time on the gulf coast. I got to meet Paul Prudhomme and his wife when we ate a K-Paul's, so while I love the rugged adventure you are having, I can't complain about my life here. Although I haven't quit complaining about this never ending winter.

    John says hello and says keep writing.
